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The university is moving to your phone – the MyCorvinus mobile app will be here soon

If you are interested in your timetable, your newly uploaded exam results, or the location of your next class, you’ll soon have access to the most important Corvinus information through a new and streamlined interface. To do that, it will be enough to turn on your smartphone: a completely new application will arrive.

The design process of the MyCorvinus application began this spring, when we asked students for their opinions on the systems currently in use in focus group research and individual in-depth interviews. The most common problem has been the parallel use of too many systems: it is difficult to find your way among Neptune, Moodle, materials uploaded by the teachers, and the university’s official website. The students also missed the mobile phone interface, and this directly led to the need for a new application. Where will be my next class?

As in the case of the new student office reminiscent of the modern coworking space, we would like to focus on issues concerning you and the students, the same aspect applies to the application. “Each student will see their daily tasks on their own summary screen. They will be able to see when their next class starts, which classroom they have to go to, whether they still have time to go to the library or the buffet before that,” said Zsuzsanna Rimmel-Bugár, the digitization manager responsible for the application. Our colleagues analyzed a number of foreign examples in the research, from the MIT student application through Harvard and INSEAD to the ESADE system. They found examples of a number of good solutions, but Zsuzsanna and her group found that in the case of Corvinus the integration of existing systems was essential in the course of development and, with this, they would step a grade up compared to most international examples. “A major challenge is to integrate Neptun, Moodle and other smaller systems in the application, but this way the students will be able to see their current timetable, course data, grades obtained and, in the long run, even the materials uploaded by the teachers from the app on their mobile phone ”.

Not for students only The features of the application can be useful not only for students but also for the teachers and other university staff. The lack of a digital map has been revealed many times during the research, so the app compensates for this need, as the exact schedule of the academic year and the phone book with the most important contact information could also be useful. These can be accessed by anyone who downloads the app. All you need to access your personalized student information is your CUSMAN username and password.

The new direction: digitization The application is part of a university-wide digital renewal project that aims to simplify background processes that can also make administration faster. “If hundreds of students are queuing up for a similar certification in the Study Department at the same time, why shouldn’t everyone be able to apply for and receive these documents digitally? We are looking for similar problems and would like to provide a modern alternative to them during the digitization process,” Zsuzsanna cites as an example of how to save time for both the administrators and the students. In fact, these changes are not happening overnight because many aspects need to be considered in development, but work has already begun and is addressing these issues on a daily basis. The application is scheduled to be introduced by the University later this year.





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