The future is more open than probably ever before. Will we work and live in an environment that resembles what we have seen over the last few decades – this is very much in question now. Both in terms of the natural environment, and how the world of business and global civilization will develop we need to be bold to draw scenarios of.

What we can do is doing our best to shape the future the way we believe would be the right way to go. While our own contribution may appear miniscule at first glance, we all need to start somewhere.
Could we do more if we found partners for this venture of a lifetime? Could we benefit from sharing our resources, wisdom and vision in a concerted effort to do good for ourselves and the people we care about? Could we make a difference for millions of people taking more responsibility?
If you are looking for partners for this journey and support from a range of qualified professionals and fellow movers and shakers, our event Head of the curve: become a future defining business leader is right for you.
You will see great thinkers sharing their view about the business environment and future perspectives.
You will engage with other future leaders in a real time challenge to solve a pressing business problem with very timely and valid considerations applied.
You will gain hands-on support from experienced problem solvers with diverse background.
Your solutions and ideas will be reflected upon and discussed openly with C-level executives from a range of industries.
You will have a facilitated virtual environment to get acquainted with likeminded leaders.
In short: are you looking for more knowledge, and a more powerful network of professionals to help you become a future defining leader?
Feel free to register for this unique event organized by the full-time MBA faculty of Corvinus University of Budapest. Indeed, the event is free. Free for anyone willing to embark on this future defining journey.
See you there!
Event: Head of the curve: become a future defining business leader
When: 25-27. November 2021
Platform: online
Cost: free