This year is genuinely special in every aspect – the coronavirus affected all areas of our life. That is why this semester’s final exams will be also quite different. According to the provisions issued by the Presidential Committee of Corvinus, the exams will be held at the university in person for the Hungarian students and the international students who stayed in Hungary. For those foreign students who chose to go back to their home country after the declaration of state of emergency there still will be an opportunity to complete their exams online.
On the 16th of May the government decided to lift the order of recommended self-isolation, therefore our university took some important decisions regarding those orders. The government lifted the restrictions on university visits by students if all safety measures are completed. Thus, the Corvinus University’s Presidential Committee made the decision to allow spring’s final exams to be held in person for those students who are finishing their current bachelor’s, master’s or postgraduate-level studies. That means that all students currently in Hungary must take their finals in person. You can still register for the online examination option until the 24th of May in Neptun.
Corvinus University of Budapest guarantees to all students that strict coronavirus measures will be in place for the final exams for the sake of your safety.
Students who have registered for the online exams must fill a form on Neptun by the 27th of May.
Good luck to all of our students who are taking their finals, we believe in you!