The second wave of the pandemic is just around the corner and most classes will start online. However, for now there is a certain amount of classes which will be in person. In the case of online classes, many students will use the library and other common spaces to study or attend their lectures. Attending classes and being in public spaces in general can be troublesome if you don’t take precautions and if you don’t follow the recommendations of WHO. That is why we have several tips for you whenever you decide to study in public spaces or you have to visit our university.
Sanitize your phone and laptop daily
We are sure that you’ve heard this many times: your phone is one of the dirtiest objects you come in contact with every day. Sadly, this is true but we cannot avoid touching our smartphones. With the astonishing amount of 25,127 bacteria per square inch, our phones beat even the toilet seat which comes with only 1,201 bacteria per square inch in comparison. And in such times like the coronavirus pandemic, it is good to know which items might be carrying around not only bacteria but also viruses. As we use our phones so frequently every single day, it is great to consider keeping them hygienic in order to stay safe. Cleaning up your screen and the back of the phone with some pure alcohol on a small piece of fabric is a great way to get rid of all germs, another option is also cleaning those up with good wet wipes. But it is not only your phone that you shall be concerned about – your keyboard might be just as dirty, as well as your bag’s zipper and your bank card. Make sure to clean those regularly as it is the best way to keep your hands germ and virus free.
Meet your friends outdoors in smaller groups
We are aware that you cannot stay away from your friends after such long awaiting, yet you must somehow implement safety measures, in order to be Covid-free. That is why we would recommend that you meet only a tiny cluster of very close friends who also are just as careful as you are in these turbulent times. Filter out your contacts and make sure to go out regularly only with a few people. Moreover, it is best if you meet in opened spaces or at less-crowded spots. Social-distance as much as possible but don’t be harsh on yourself, after all international students can only stick to each other and no one else in this period, so bond with your closest friends as a way of stress-relief.
Change/wash your mask regularly
This is your shield, it is compulsory and you have to wear it, if not for yourself then for everyone else around you. In the transport, in the university buildings, at indoor public spaces – your mask is your best friend. As it is so frequently used, your mask must be washed often, depending on the material. Do not wear the same one for longer than the recommended time.
Wash your hands religiously or use a hand sanitizer
Our hands are one of our biggest enemies if unwashed – as mentioned previously, they collect all germs from our phones, handles in the public transport and other high-risk surfaces. That is why it is best if you wash your hands every time you enter the university building or disinfect them with a hand sanitizer. As you know, touching your nose, mouth and eyes with dirty hands can also lead to infection with Covid-19, so it is best if you keep them clean at all times.
Stay aware in the classroom and corridors
Avoid the lockers and other spaces which might’ve been used by too many other people (more germs) or might turn out to be a bit crowded at times. Stay aware of your distance in class, keep your mask on and don’t draw your face too near to your peers’ faces.
Do not share personal items with friends
Make sure you have your own pen, notebook and other necessities whenever you meet up with friends to work on a project or you are in class. No matter the occasion, it is best if you keep your belongings as clean as possible and that is achievable if you are the only person touching them.
Never underestimate symptoms
It is our responsibility to keep each other safe. Quarantine is unpleasant for everyone, with or without symptoms, so for the sake of everyone around you that you hold dear you must not underestimate even the slightest symptoms. Stay on track with your health status and self-examine yourself once in a while: check your temperature and be honest with yourself about any present symptoms in the past one week.
Maintain healthy diet and take multivitamins
The better your health is, the more protected you are. Make your immune system happy, feed your body with the necessary nutrients and take multivitamins. Drink enough water and enjoy sunlight whenever it is possible.